Friday, July 24, 2009

Who's the Real Racist: Obama or the Cop?

Gee, I wonder how those I deeply offended would respond if I said I could have “calibrated those words differently.” Let’s say I told my wife, “I think you are a slut.” In realizing the deep hurt and anger I caused, I said, “Honey, I might have calibrated those words differently.” Oh, I’m sure that would address the entire problem.

Obama referred to Sgt. Crowley as a racist after he arrested Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr.. Crowley was called to the scene of an apparent break-in to a home by NEIGHBORS - alarmed that 2 men appeared to be forcing their way into their neighbor’s home during his absence. It turns out that Gates was the owner of the home in question.

Rather than clear the matter up instantly by producing identification, Gates went off on the two officers, angrily venting that they were profiling him because this is the way blacks are treated in America. The professor became belligerent and refused to cooperate. As things heated up, Gates was taken into custody. By the way, the second officer, Sgt. Leon Lashley, assisting  Crowley, was black.

I imagine myself in Gates’ shoes. I arrive home at night with a second male, cannot open the door, and proceed in attempting to force the door open. My neighbor seeing the commotion, but not recognizing me, calls the cops in hopes of protecting my home. The police arrive and try to size up the situation. What would I do? How about show them my identification, invite them in, show them pictures and display obvious items that clarify I’m the rightful owner of the premises. But no, I start screaming at them that I have been profiled because I’m white, balding, and sick of the way cops treat my kind. I refuse to cooperate, and even threaten them with lawsuits. I’ll tell you what, my neighbors would think I’m a jerk and ungrateful for their attempt to protect my home, and deserve to be arrested for not realizing that the police are there to stop a break-in, and protect my premises.

Obama’s response? He jumped right on the race bandwagon and called the actions of the officers “stupid” and indicative of the problems we have in America of racism.

Let me digress: Crowley’s black partner, Lashley, said that nothing Crowley did was inappropriate nor in the least racist. Further, Crowley has served as a trainer in the department for training cops on how not to be racist. The man has a sterling reputation and 11 years of commendable performance. 

Perhaps, both Obama and Gates should admit that they behaved in a racist attitude toward Crowley. Maybe Obama, rather than wading in on a matter he doesn’t understand, should say “I’m sorry, I jumped to conclusions.” Maybe even refer to his statement as “my words” instead of “those words” thereby distancing himself from his racist attitude. Instead, his words unveil Obama’s motive - get Whitey

The best the President can offer is to say he might have calibrated his words differently. What does that mean? It means he wished he had called Crowley a racist using milder terms. Obama shows his true colors here, and we can probably expect more of the same from his Supreme Court nominee, Sotomayor, who claims that she will be a better adjudicator than a white man. Her words: “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion [as a judge] than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.” Gee, I thought Supreme Court justices were supposed to interpret the Constitution - without bias to their own personal experiences.

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