Monday, January 10, 2011

Should a Deranged Person Determine Your Rights?

The tragedy in Tucson rocked the nation and, within a day, the talking heads were addressing gun control. I am so sorry that a member of Congress was shot down, as was a 9 year old innocent girl, with 6 dead and 14 wounded. Their only mistake? Participating in being a citizen - actively embracing the opportunity and right to meet with a representative on the streets of Arizona. What a travesty.

During my lifetime, I witnessed (on television) the assassination of John F. Kennedy. I was sorry it happened. I was also sorry for the killings, shootings or attempts on the lives of Robert Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, James Brady, etc.

Each and every time, I was sorry it happened. But each and every time, we recognized, as a country, the acts were carried out by a fringe element.

Now, in the wake of schizophrenic behavior conducted by a deranged individual, the talking heads are sounding the alarm concerning gun control.

On 9/11, Islamic terrorists slammed three airplanes into pre-determined targets, while a fourth catastrophe was avoided thanks to the brave actions of a few on United Flight 93. Since that time, I have not heard anyone suggesting that the public stop being allowed to fly on airlines as the vessel might be used to commit a horrific act. Nor have I heard serious consideration that perhaps Islam not be allowed in the United States, as beliefs might be used to justify acts of terrorism.

Most of the gang activity in the United States is associated with people of African American descent or those of Latino descent. To my knowledge, there is no credible movement advocating that African Americans or Latinos be regulated as a population at large because of their apparent danger to society.

Drunk drivers usually use a car. How many of you are willing to give up your car when an idiot drinks, drives, and kills innocent people. Cars are also used for car bombings. Where is the clamoring for car regulation due to these acts?

Every instance of rape I’ve heard of, involves using a certain male organ. I’m all for rapists being castrated, but I’m not in favor of giving up my own personal organs. (Although, I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the gals on The View would advocate it.)

This is not to minimize the atrocity. People lost their parents, a parent lost their innocent 9 year old daughter, the country lost a Representative to Congress. This is horrific. So now, deal with the criminal involved in a forceful way. Forget rehabilitation. Make an example for the rest of society. Consider giving the schools which observe the developing problem the teeth to actually do something about it. Following these types of acts, everybody is wondering, “How did this guy go undetected?” I’ll bet you serious money there is a long paper trail of distressing observations from those in Jared Loughner’s path.

Crimes and criminals have been, and should be, considered as individual actions. A person, regardless of his race, creed or color, should be help responsible for his or her actions. Didn’t we learn this from our historical blight of Japanese internment?

Why is it that when some idiots in society claim the Holocaust never occurred, we don’t talk about regulating speech? Or when an obviously guilty person like OJ Simpson is acquitted, we don’t insist on eliminating double indemnity? When a crowd of gays marching across the Bay Bridge in California shuts down traffic, we’re not demanding that the right to assemble is removed? How about when it’s determined that we decide as a nation that we can’t stomach waterboarding known terrorists - are people demanding to eliminate the 8th Amendment which forbids cruel and unusual punishments. What’s that? Did you say those are not endangering society? Pretending the holocaust was a hoax, allowing murderers to go free, promoting a lifestyle that propagates AIDS/HIV, and allowing terrorists to protect their networks - well, yes, those things are definitely endangering America.

The Second Amendment was included within the Constitution immediately following the right to enjoy freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, and petition. The right of the public to maintain arms was placed before search and seizure, trial by jury, and even double indemnity. The Framers of our nation realized, from experience, that the people must have the ability to rise up against a corrupt government. If you don’t believe this, simply read the Declaration of Independence. This fact is beyond dispute.

Those who commit crimes with a gun should pay the price - dearly, and perhaps with something that many in this country oppose - the death penalty. Elements of society who take the rights and life of others away through criminal activity need to receive harsh punishment - whether shooting a member of Congress, a private individual, the owner of a business - anyone. Instead, too often, we soften the sentence to the point wherein we feel more sorry for the criminal than the victim, and the public is stuck paying the bill for grossly expensive trials, a mockery of the system, and life in maximum security. In exchange for the criminal’s activity, the millions of law abiding citizens face another onslaught of their Constitutional right to bear arms.

Do guns kill people? Absolutely. What percentage of legal citizens owning a gun have committed a crime with it? What percentage of Latinos or Blacks belong to a gang? What percentage of Muslims have flown an airplane into a building of people, or belong to a terrorist cell? I am truly sorry for the shooting which occurred in Arizona on Saturday, 1/09/2011 - carried out by a crazy man. But I am not guilty. Nor are the millions of Americans who embrace their Constitutional right to bear arms.