Monday, September 20, 2010

Obama Removes God & Insults Mexican Intelligence

On Friday, September 17, our President addressed the Hispanic Caucus Institute where he made two VERY interesting statements. The most alarming was the first.

(Link to speech)

While quoting the familiar beginning of the Declaration of Independence, President Obama said, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed with certain inalienable rights, life and liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Did you catch the omission? It’s no small deal.

The actual wording is “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator, with certain inalienable rights...” Nitpicky? Hardly. By changing that line, the basis of the Declaration of Independence is undermined.

When the Founders resisted England by penning and sending the Declaration of Independence, they were justifying their behavior on the FACT that they had certain God-given rights. England, nor any other government, had the dominion over these natural rights, as they had been endowed (given) by God - not man.

If these natural rights were simply endowed, then the question is, by whom? If not God, then it would be left to the government. If you doubt this, read the Constitution. And if the government gives these rights, then it is the government’s dominion to remove them. (Inalienable means, they cannot be removed.)

By omitting that phrase, Obama changes the basis of our country. He, by decree, takes the position of government having the supreme power over your rights. Whereas the Founders declared independence on the foundation that no government can remove natural rights as they were given to men by God; the removal of that phrase removes the sanctity of the rights.

Slip of the tongue, you say? No 8th grader left my class without knowing, memorizing, and reciting that passage (as well as more) of the Declaration of Independence. Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School. He taught Constitutional Law at University of Chicago. He didn’t forget. No, when Obama promised to fundamentally change this country, he meant it.

The second “mistake” in the speech typifies the lack of respect people like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and here, Obama, pay to people of color. They access and maintain power by leading minorities into embracing the victim mentality. Rather than pointing to role models such as Clarence Thomas, Condoleeza Rice, Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, Bill Cosby, by saying, “Look, if you work hard enough, you can rise above your poverty, your circumstances, your plight.” Instead they convince the masses that they’ll never be anything without the government taking care of them.

Toward the end of the speech, President Obama said, “Long before America was even an idea, this land of plenty was home to many peoples. To British and French, to Dutch and Spanish, ... (loudly) to Mexican... (applause) countless...” Okay, let’s see, Americans declared their independence in 1776. The concept of America was already rooted prior to the Declaration. Mexico declared independence from Spain in 1821 - 45 years after America. At what point does a Mexican become a recognizable national? Americans officially became American when they won the Revolutionary War and formed a nation. Prior to that, they were citizens of the British Empire. The concept of being an “American” started emerging after 1763. So, how is that long before America was even an idea, the continent was inhabited by Mexicans? Does he mean mestizos (a blending of the Spanish and the Indians either taken as wives, or...)? Or was he referring to Criollos - those born in Latin American, who according to the caste system were lower than Peninsulares who were born in Spain, but higher than mestizos, cholos, mulatos, indios, zambos, and at the bottom of their system, the blacks. (Oh, yeah, another inconvenient fact - slavery was introduced and practiced in Latin America first. I wonder why Obama didn’t scold his audience for that? Probably the Reverend Wright did include that part in his sermons, but Obama missed it.) Obama is counting of the Hispanic audience to NOT know their history. The applause he gained by saying this provides his confirmation. Well-played Mr. President; just like a puppeteer.

In one speech, President Obama managed to garner support from a voter block he considers ignorant enough not to catch his historical gambit, while at the same time removing God from the position of being the fundamental benefactor of our inalienable rights. Those rights, once a gift from God, belong in the hands of somebody else, according to our President. Suddenly, the rights don’t seem so inalienable.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Are We Allowed to be America?

Three times I’ve flown from the East Coast to the West. If the cruising altitude is low enough, one can watch the urbanization of the East become the Bread Basket, then climb to the rugged Rockies. Beyond the Rockies, I breathe a sigh of relief as I get back to my beloved West. Things seem much more sane here. That is, until I see the urbanization again.

Don’t get me wrong; I enjoy the fruits of technological progress. I’m not so simple as to think I’d be able to enjoy the comforts I do without the industrialization we’ve experienced. But at the same time, I can’t help but reflect on the relative brief existence of the United States, and the changing landscape that passed from lush forests, barren plains, harsh deserts, unfettered rivers - wild nature, into a harnessed landscape that includes ghettoes, freeways, urban sprawl, graffiti, and housing developments. How could it have been different? I really don’t know. But I always feel sorry for the Indians.

No, I’m not going to rant and rave about all the Native Americans being one big happy family that lived peacefully until the white man came and utopia was ruined. At one point, their ancestors migrated into North America. Competing tribes either avoided one another, formed trade alliances (capitalism), or annihilated one another. From torturing one’s enemy to discover how manly he was, to removing scalps while the victim was alive, to fornicating with a variety of men to obtain their spiritual powers - I think SOME Indians had SOME issues. Bottom line? They are human beings - not immune to the same temptations as any other human being, yet capable of the same heroism as other humans.

The point is, they had an established culture with a small enough population base to allow a migratory lifestyle in “paradise.” Between the Spanish and the English, paradise, as the Indians knew it, was lost. While many of the Indians tried to accommodate the European arrivals, others resisted.

Following the French and Indian War (1863), an Ottawa tribal leader, known as Chief Pontiac led an uprising against the English colonists in the Ohio River Valley. Up until that war, the French had a stranglehold on the area around the Great Lakes. The French had formed treaties with the Huron nation, providing firearms so the Hurons could stand up against their fierce enemies, the Iroquois. At any rate, most of the Natives preferred the French over the British because the French fur trappers were not altering the land with European style farming as the British were. Further, France couldn’t entice many settlers to brave the dangers of colonization whereas English colonists were exceeding 2 million in number. With the defeat of France, Pontiac correctly predicted the end of the Indian culture as he knew it. His uprising was an attempt to stave off the onslaught. If I had been an Indian back then, I fancy myself being in the resistance - although I don’t celebrate the brutality.

Today, I feel somewhat like Pontiac. America’s borders are porous. Like then, today’s natives, Americans, can’t agree on the correct approach. The “nice” thing to do is to allow more and more people to come. “America was built upon immigration!” is a familiar defense. “What right do we have to tell others the door is shut?” Interestingly, the reason for the debate has to do with illegal immigration. I’ve never heard anyone attack legal immigration. For me, the question becomes, Does any country have the right to enforce immigration laws? It’s as rhetorical as asking, Do you have the right to determine who comes in your home? Just as the resources in your home were intended to provide for your family, the resources, paid for through taxation, were intended to provide for the American family, as well as those who entered legally as guests to the “home.” It’s not selfish; it’s basic. Stick with the “your home” example. If you arrive home tonight to find 2 intruders there who justify their presence by saying, “We mowed the lawn. That helps your household. You can’t get by without us. By the way, we ate the leftovers and you’re out of toilet paper,” is it fair of you to call the police to have the intruders removed - forcefully if necessary? If not, give me your address? If so, how is it any different for the American family? The principle is the same.

Arizona is being victimized by the federal government. The United States government is not securing its borders - a basic Constitutional obligation. By law, employers can be fined for hiring illegal immigrants, and up until recently, one of the presumed effective methods of controlling the flow of illegals was to crack down on employers who didn’t stick to the high road when hiring. The thought was, if employers wouldn’t hire illegals, the illegals would not be coming for American jobs. So come on, you greedy employers, ante up, and hire legal citizens or those with green card status. But now, Arizona is being sued by the federal government for practicing discrimination by asking for proof of legal status. “Show me your green card” has become an act of hatred and racism. Now back to your home: The cops couldn’t ask the intruders to prove they were members of your family; that would be discrimination.

On another front, our culture is being asked to accommodate Sharia law - even to the extent practiced by the Fundamental Movement and Extremists within Islam. Large numbers of these people will move to a common area or locale, forming a community. No issue so far, as just about every group of ethnic people have done in America since our beginnings. However, many of the practices will run counter to not only American culture, but American law - and in their view, the imam (religious leader) is their authority - not a secular law which runs counter to the Qu’ran. Examples: a person caught drinking alcohol should be whipped; men may beat their wives if the woman is deemed uppity; literal enforcement of an eye for an eye; a thief must have his hand cut off; highway robbers should be crucified or mutilated; execution of homosexuals; execution of Muslim critics of Islam and possible execution for non-Muslims; and adulterers are to be stoned to death. This is not an indictment of Islam; I’m reflecting on Fundamental and Extremists declaring that Sharia Law dictates their culture - within our country. If you follow the news of these communities expanding, you’ll see a recurring pattern: the community will be absorbed, the community claims they are adhering to their cultural practices, cops will be called in to deal with domestic violence or some other form of brutality, the imam and community leaders will scream “Racism” or “Intolerance” and gradually insist that their practices become acceptable - despite flying in the face of existing law. The irony is, that at the root of the most fundamental practices is the tenet that western ideology and culture is bad...evil, and needs to be abolished. The very culture providing a home for the immigrant is seen as the enemy to be eradicated.

Their practice has nothing to do with the great melting pot we learned about in grade school. In that teaching, we learned that a variety of ingredients makes for a great recipe as the blending of strengths, talents, and gifts makes for a stronger nation. In that scenario, the immigrants were coming to America for a better life - looking forward to becoming an American - embracing the values, freedoms, and responsibilities cherished and expected in the United States. Our present situation is more akin to the cowbird - a parasitic bird which moves in on nests made primarily by songbirds, destroys the songbird eggs or just lays her own eggs in amongst the others. The songbird serves as the host, bringing food back for the hatchlings. The cowbird chicks aggressively steal the food, and the songbird chicks starve or are pushed out of the nest. As a species, the songbird then struggles for survival in the habitat taken over by cowbirds, and eventually must find new habitat or perish.

Like that of the Indians, our culture is in danger of perishing. We are being told by the current administration we have no right to determine who enters our home. We are being told that our foundational roots of Judeo-Christian values and beliefs are non-inclusive and even hateful. Our teachers and professors rail from one side of their mouths about the Europeans coming over and wiping out functional, sophisticated, evolved cultures, and from the other side preach that our present culture is exclusive, bigoted, egocentric, and needs to accommodate.

Congress holds the key to real power in this country. For too long we have given them a pass, blithely believing that somehow the balance of power, and checks and balances, would protect us. In November, we have an opportunity to put the brakes on runaway government. It’s not about Republicans vs. Democrats. It’s about preserving American values and culture. If America is to be saved as a nation, we can no longer have “politics as usual.” Congress (and all federal employees and officials) need a wake-up call to remind them that their power comes from the people; that our nation was founded on the belief of government obeying the will of the People. Today, both parties are out of touch with real America. Lobbyists, unions, and select billionaires are running the country - controlling the stock market, pulling the strings of public officials and buying power. This is not the America described by our Declaration of Independence and our US Constitution. It is time to return to the concept of everyday citizens representing their community and state for a limited term, as opposed to a lifetime of tenure in Congress - completely out of touch with the problems of the average taxpayer. America is hemorrhaging, and it’s time for us citizens to put pressure on the wound.