Saturday, April 9, 2011

Glenn Beck Hatred

With Beck announcing his retreat from FOX News, the liberals seem apoplectic with glee, claiming his ratings are plummeting. What brings about a plummet, anyway.

When you’re near the top (number 3 in the nation), you can a) stay put, b) move upward, or c) go down. With the number of people rooting against Beck, any downward movement will indicate a plummet.

In the last year, Beck has moved from simply being a Right Wing Conservative, to driving home Conservatism roots based in a Christian foundation. This in itself is going to cause many viewers to jump ship. They may well have agreed with Beck’s political railings, but his “no holds barred” approach to espousing Christianity were sure to alienate many Conservatives who don’t profess convictions emanating from Christianity.

Glenn Beck has been widely labeled as a “conspiracy theorist.” Something I’d like to ask the haters of Beck is this: “What, specifically, has the man said that has been proven baseless?” For those who listened to him on radio, or watched his show, they know he goes to great lengths to build his case from one premise to the next. The vast majority of news commentators start with an assumed premise and move to a conclusion. Beck takes great care in educating his audience about his premises before moving to a conclusion. So again, what specifics can critics offer which point to Beck simply offering outlandish conspiracies without basing conclusions on evidence?

Propaganda has been utilized for eons to undermine people. The vast majority of people I’ve spoken with who hate Beck offer no specifics. In point of fact, they haven’t even listened to the man. No, most critics hate Beck because NPR, SNL, Rolling Stone, CNN, or some other source has told the audience that Beck is a wacko.

If someone out there has some specifics to offer concerning Beck’s content being baseless, I’m all ears.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What Senator Coburn said...

I yield the floor to the Honorable Senator Coburn. It's nice to know someone is hearing us...

Subject: Senator Coburn's remarks regarding spending cuts
Date: Thu,

17 Feb 2011 19:20:01 -0700

Sen. Tom Coburn is an MD (general practitioner) and Senator from


"We are going in exactly the wrong direction. We ought to be standing
on the principles that made this country great. There ought to be a
review of every program in the Federal Government that is not
effective, that is not efficient, that is wasteful or fraudulent, and
we ought to get rid of it right now. We ought to say, you're gone, to
be able to pay for a real stimulus plan that might, in fact, have some


I would be remiss if I didn't remind everybody that next week we are
going to hear from the Obama administration wanting another $500
billion. Outside of this, they are going to want another $500 billion
to handle the banking system. Still not fixing the real disease - the
pneumonia - we are going to treat the fever or treat the cough, but we

are not going to treat the real disease.

Until we treat the real disease, this is pure waste. It is worse than
pure waste.. It is morally reprehensible, because it steals the

future of the next two generations.

I am going to wind up here and finish, but I wanted to spend some time
to make sure the American people know what is in this bill. I think

once they know what is in this bill, they would reject it out of hand.

Let me read for my colleagues some of the things that are in this bill...

The biggest earmark in history is in this bill. There is $2 billion
in this bill to build a coal plant with zero emissions. That would be
great, maybe, if we had the technology, but the greatest brains in the
world sitting at MIT say we don't have the technology yet to do that.
Why would we build a $2 billion power plant we don't have the
technology for that we know will come back and ask for another $2
billion and another $2 billion and another $2 billion when we could
build a demonstration project that might cost $150 million or $200
million? There is nothing wrong with having coal-fired plants that
don't produce pollution; I am not against that. Even the Washington
Post said the technology isn't there. It is a boondoggle. Why would

we do that?

Tonight, we eliminated a $246 million payback for the large movie

studios in Hollywood .

We are going to spend $88 Million to study whether we ought to buy a
new ice breaker for the Coast Guard. You know what. The Coast Guard
needs a new ice breaker. Why do we need to spend $88 million? They
have two ice breakers now that they could retrofit and fix and come up
with equivalent to what they needed to and not spend the $1 billion
they are going to come back and ask for, for another ice breaker, so

why would we spend $88 million studying that?

We are going to spend $448 million to build the Department of Homeland
Security a new building. We have $1.3 trillion worth of empty
buildings right now, and because it has been blocked in Congress we
can't sell them, we can't raze them, we can't do anything, but we are

going to spend money on a new building here in Washington .

We are going to spend another $248 million for new furniture for that
building; a quarter of a billion dollars for new furniture. What
about the furniture the Department of Homeland Security has now?
These are tough times. Should we be buying new furniture? How about
using what we have? That is what a family would do. They would use
what they have. They wouldn't go out and spend $248 million on


How about buying $600 million worth of hybrid vehicles? Do you know
what I would say? Right now times are tough; I would rather Americans
have new cars than Federal employees have new cars. What is wrong
with the cars we have? Dumping $600 million worth of used vehicles on
the used vehicle market right now is one of the worst things we could
do. Instead, we are going to spend $600 million buying new cars for

Federal employees..

There is $400 million in here to prevent STDs .. I have a lot of
experience with that. I have delivered 4,000 babies.. We don't need
to spend $400 million on STDs. What we need to do is properly educate
about the infection rates and the effectiveness of methods of
prevention. That doesn't take a penny more. You can write that on
one piece of paper and teach every kid in this country, but we don't

need to spend $400 million on it. It is not a priority.

How about $1.4 billion for rural waste disposal programs? That might

even be somewhat stimulative. New sewers. That might create jobs.

How about $150 million for a Smithsonian museum? Tell me how that
helps get us out of a recession. Tell me how that is a priority.
Would the average American think that is a priority that we ought to
be mortgaging our kids' future to spend another $150 million at the


How about $1 billion for the 2010 census? So everybody knows, the
census is so poorly managed that the census this year is going to cost
twice what it cost 10 years ago, and we wasted $800 million on a
contract because it was no-bid that didn't perform. Nobody got fired,

no competitive bidding, and we blew $800 million.

We have $75 million for smoking cessation activities, which probably
is a great idea, but we just passed a bill-the SCHIP bill - that we
need to get 21 million more Americans smoking (and paying tobacco

taxes) to be able to pay for that bill. That doesn't make sense.

How about $200 million for public computer centers at community
colleges? Since when is a community college in my State a recipient
of Federal largesse? Is that our responsibility? I mean, did we talk
with Dell and Hewlett-Packard and say, How do we make you all do

better? Is there not a market force that could make that better?

Will we actually buy on a true competitive bid? No, because there is
nothing that requires competitive bidding in anything in this bill.
There is nothing that requires it. It is one of the things President
Obama said he was going to mandate the Federal Government, but there

is no competitive bidding in this bill at all.

We have $10 million to inspect canals in urban areas. Well, that will

put 10 or 15 people to work. Is that a priority for us right now?

There is $6 billion to turn Federal buildings into green buildings.
That is a priority, versus somebody getting a job outside of
Washington , a job that actually produces something, that actually

increases wealth?

How about $500 million for State and local fire stations? Where do
you find in the Constitution us paying for local fire stations within
our (the federal government) realm of prerogatives? None of it is

competitively bid - not a grant program.

Next is $1.2 billion for youth activities. Who does that employ?

What does that mean?

How about $88 million for renovating the public health service
building? You know, if we could sell half of the $1.3 trillion worth
of properties we have, we could take care of every Federal building

requirement and backlog we have..

Then there's $412 million for CDC buildings and property. We spent
billions on a new center and headquarters for CDC. Is that a
priority? Building another Government building instead of - if we are
going to spend $412 million on building buildings, let's build one

that will produce something, one that will give us something.

How about $850 million for that most "efficient'' Amtrak that hasn't
made any money since 1976 and continues to receive $2 billion or $3

billion a year in subsidies?

Here is one of my favorites: $75 million to construct a new "security
training'' facility for State Department security officers. We have
four other facilities already available to train them. But it is not
theirs. They want theirs. By the way, it is going to be in West
Virginia ... I wonder how that got there? So we are going to build a
new training facility that duplicates four others that we already have
that could easily do what we need to do. But because we have a

stimulus package, we are going to add in oink pork.

How about $200 million in funding for a lease - not buying, but a

lease of alternative energy vehicles on military installations?

We are going to bail out the States on Medicaid. Total all of the
health programs in this, and we are going to transfer $150 billion out
of the private sector and we are going to move it to the Federal
Government. You talk about back dooring national health care! Henry
Waxman has to be smiling big today. He wants a single-payer
Government-run health care system. We are going to move another $150

billion to the Federal Government from the private sector.

We are going to eliminate fees on loans from the Small Business
Administration. You know what that does? That pushes productive
capital to unproductive projects. It is exactly the wrong thing to


Then there is $160 million to the Job Corps Program - But not for 20
jobs and not to put more people in the Job Corps but to construct or

repair buildings.

We are going to spend $524 million for information technology upgrades
that the Appropriations Committee claims will create 388 jobs. If you
do the math on that, that is $1.5 million a job. Don't you love the

efficiency of Washington thinking?

We are going to create $79 billion in additional money for the States,
a "slush fund,'' to bail out States and provide millions of dollars
for education costs. How many of you think that will ever go away?
Once the State education programs get $79 billion over 2 years, do you
think that will ever go away? They cry and hue of taking our money
away - even though it was a stimulus and supposed to be limited, it
will never go away. So we will continue putting that forward until

our kids have grandkids of their own.

There is about $47 billion for a variety of energy programs that are
primarily focused on renewable energy. I am fine with spending that.
But we ought to get something for it. There ought to be measurable
results. There are none. It is pie in the sky, saying we will throw

some money at it.

Let me conclude by saying we are at a seminal moment in our country.
We will either start living within the confines of realism and
responsibility or we will blow it and we will create the downfall of
the greatest Nation that ever lived. This bill is the start of that
downfall. To abandon a market-oriented society and transfer it to a
Soviet-style, government-centered, bureaucratic-run and mandated
program, that is the thing that will put the stake in the heart of

freedom in this country.

I hope the American people know what is in this bill. I am doing
everything I can to make sure they know. But more important, I hope
somebody is listening who will treat the pneumonia we are faced with
today, which is the housing and mortgage markets. It doesn't matter
how much money we spend in this bill. It is doomed to failure unless
we fix that problem first. Failing that, we will go down in history
as the Congress that undermined the future and vitality of this

country. Let it not be so."


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Wars and Rumors of More War

Does anyone besides me remember Obama’s campaign promise to be out of Iraq within 7 months of becoming President? It’s now been 27 months.

Does anyone else remember Obama saying we had to have a clear cut strategy in Afghanistan and an exit strategy? And that if Pakistan did not help in subduing terrorist organizations such as Al Qaeda, we’d have to “take them out”? (That was in a Presidential debate with McCain.)

Now, Libya.

Where is the outrage among the people who condemned “Bush’s War”? Where are the accusations of Obama lied?

While President, Obama has played over 100 rounds of golf, vacationed in Montana, Hawaii, India, and now Rio.

War on 3 fronts, illegal immigrants by the thousands, drug cartels shooting American agents, an economy in crisis, a tsunami and nuclear state of emergency in Japan, crude oil over $100/barrel, national health care judged unconstitutional, Guantanamo is as open as ever, unemployment and underemployment are over 20%, 1 of 5 homes is in foreclosure, the Feds cannot agree upon an economic solution given the massive debt held and the imminent danger of hyper-inflation, and our President flies off to Rio...where ironically, he’s greeted by protestors who rightly identify the hypocrisy of the man who condemned interfering with the Middle East, and is now interfering with the Middle East.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

What Would You Do?

Last night, I watched a movie entitled Defiance, produced in 2008. I had never heard of this movie, but was surfing through what was immediately available for streaming and wanted to see something with Daniel Craig (the most recent James Bond).

The story is based on the true story of the Bielski brothers who lived in Eastern Europe at the time of Nazi occupation. Jews were being rounded up and kept in the ghettoes until any usefulness had vanished, or as more availability of death camps made it possible to transport them to their maker. The Bielskis were Jewish, lived in a rural setting, and though many of their family were killed, they escaped and fled to the forest in hopes of survival. There, they encountered more Jews who had made it out, but had little hope of survival against their human adversaries, starvation, exposure and disease.

What is striking in this movie is the decision of many Jews to face their ultimate plight and remain in the ghetto. Although the rumors run thick of their ultimate fate, there is no hard proof, and thus, many choose to stick it out and hope for the best. Those who decide to escape then faced the decision of whether they were really up to the task of actually taking the life of another human. The vast majority were city people, devout in their faith, peaceful, people who avoided confrontation, and relied on God to protect them. For me, it was an excellent movie, and I’d highly recommend it.

Back in the day when I taught American History, when considering WWII, students would inevitably ask why the Jews didn’t rise us against their captors when it became obvious that terror faced them at the concentration camps. “Why didn’t they rush the guards as a group? If I had been there,” students would say, “I wouldn’t have gone along like a bunch of sheep to the slaughter!” (Or something to that effect.)

I couldn’t help think about what Conservatives in America would do today. Most Conservatives are law-abiding citizens who obey the letter and spirit of the law...even when we think it unfair. We don’t bring attention to ourselves. Getting to any type of protest rally is difficult because we are involved in the industriousness of a career, on tending to the needs of our children, or often ministering to the needs of others. We have great faith in the American system and really have a hard time believing that the growth of socialism we are witnessing right now won’t vanish as a temporary flash-in-the-pan, and matters will correct themselves. They always do, right?

If we’ve attended a protest, such as a Tea Party Rally, we note that they are peaceful, polite, and attended by people that we’d like to have as neighbors. When liberals come and attempt to agitate, we respectfully allow them to intermingle and state their opposition. If the police ask us to move off the street for the sake of traffic, we do so. If shop owners insist on not parking in their private parking lot, we move our cars. We tend to stand along the street, holding up signs which state our sentiments, smile and wave at passing cars - some of which carry occupants spitting, cursing, giving us the one-finger salute, and telling us that we’re a bunch of wackos. At the conclusion, we clean up, and no trash is left.

Have you seen any footage of the demonstrations in Wisconsin? Probably not if you don’t watch FOX. There, protestors have stormed the Capitol, threatened the lives of conservative legislators and prevented them from getting in the building - using intimidation as a means to get their way. The place is strewn with litter. The protestors verbally abuse and suggest that the Governor should be killed. One gets the sense that should anyone voice opposition, they would be summarily beaten by the mob.

Interestingly, it is the members of the Tea Party Movement who Janet Napolitano suggested needed to be on the terrorist watch list as a threat to Homeland Security.

Back to the Jews. Hitler blamed the Jews as being the root of Germany’s economic problems. He led a country trying to emerge out of their Depression into believing that Jews were prosperous due to their parasitic practices against the German people. By eradicating the Jews, Germany would be able to return to prosperity.

President Obama has openly ridiculed the Tea Party Movement. In one speech, he assumed the posture of a conniving, Scrooge-like person and talked about how the members of this movement “wave their little tea bags around.” He never once supported the right to express views based on the First Amendment, nor commended the group for their control and positive role-modeling for others - especially the youth - on how to conduct a peaceful protest. No, he belittled the movement. On the other hand, I haven’t heard him criticize the Wisconsin protests, just as he never spoke out against the thuggery of the SEIU’s actions of intimidating voters to stay away from the polls, and actually assaulting dissenters in the crowds.

So, have you ever projected what you would do, if suddenly, you were singled out as the enemy? The mainstream media is in the liberal camp. Those who are “neutral” are inundated with the message of how negative, divisive, selfish, self-righteous you are (if you are a real Conservative), and the source of the country’s problems. If there is an economic collapse in this country, and I truly believe President Obama wants to collapse capitalism, people will eagerly look to blame a group. If the Liberals get their way and a version of “Fairness in Broadcasting” becomes law, FOX news will disappear in a heartbeat, and we’ll be left with networks who do not question the President.

The Jews had to decide whether they would go down fighting, or continue to act as law-abiding citizens, trusting the government despite the signs of the times, and exercise their faith that God would not allow this to happen to His chosen people. The non-Jews had to choose between actively turning in their Jewish neighbors, pretending they didn’t know what was going on, or hiding and assisting the fugitives. In playing “what if” where would you fit in?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Unions Have Ruined Public Education

Education in our country must be re-vamped. The best way to do this is to provide citizens with a non-monopolistic choice, allowing taxpayers to support educational entities which provide superior instruction.

I spent 30 years teaching in the classrooms of public schools. There, I worked with many committed teachers who were devoted to providing excellent instruction. However, there were many among the ranks who had neither the ability nor desire to be an effective teacher. However, the NEA and local unions protected these liabilities, and administrators were powerless to get the “dead wood” out. Who suffered? First the children, then the community, and ultimately, the country at large. At one time, unions protected employees from abusive employers; now they’ve grown into political monsters that are out of control. They control the teachers’ contributions to the point where a teacher has no say in the union whatsoever, if that teacher elects to have his “political contribution” withheld from his dues. The unions are dominated by liberals who promise continued pay raises irrespective of the economy, increased benefits, and increased academic freedom. As a result, there is virtually no power of community standards which can touch the local public school.

Ironically, whether or not a community agrees with the ideology of the liberal movement, they end up supporting it. How? Well, the payroll of a public school is funded by the taxpayers. In most states, unions are a closed shop proposition - the employee has no choice and must belong. A significant percentage of the employee’s dues to the union end up as political contributions to the NEA. - one of the biggest and most liberal unions in the country. The NEA backs liberal candidates 100% of the time. It’s a racket!

Leftist agendas are now firmly entrenched in the entire educational model. College students seeking to become future teachers are indoctrinated as to what is “open minded” and politically correct. As a matter of course, tomorrow’s teachers learn curricula which presumes that global warming caused by human technology is a FACT. That evolution is a FACT, and that evaluation of concepts such as “intelligent design” (such as Creation) are not only baseless and mythical, they MUST be excluded due to “Separation of Church and State.” Instruction in literature is increasingly based on stories which attack traditional values. Geography focuses less on knowledge of traditional geographical concepts, but more on an agenda of globalization.

Because of budgetary considerations, when teacher openings exist, who gets hired? Thanks to the union pay scale, teachers on the bottom of the pay scale - those fresh out of college. The ranks quickly fill with freshly indoctrinated teachers eager to push their college-learned agenda down the throats of their students. They have no experience nor wisdom. Most have no children of their own, and consequently cannot understand the angst of parents feeling helpless over what goes on in the classroom. Most have never held a job in the private sector, and sadly, are completely out of touch that their salary comes from the taxpayer. Oh, but they have energy. When a staff turnover happens quickly, the result is the ranks fill with rookie teachers, too arrogant to listen to the older and fewer mentors, anxious to fill coaching and advising positions to beef up their paycheck, but often having no work ethic in terms of working on their profession a minute past 3:00; after all, the contract doesn’t require it.

In defense of the public schools, unlike private businesses, they are not allowed to choose the “workers” by whom they are measured. In other words, school success is now measured by standardized test scores, drop-out rates, and graduation numbers. If you were an employer of a private company, you’d be very selective about which “employees” you accepted to help your company reach the top. However, public schools do not get to turn away students who will ultimately accomplish the results by which the school is measured. Public schools take on drug addicts, children who are abused and neglected, criminals, the learning disabled, the illegal immigrant, and more. Based on the community being considered, the resultant scores, drop-out rates, and graduation numbers might have very little to do with the quality of instruction.

Additionally, the pressure to improve the school’s standing can, and does, lead to dishonest practices within the school. In my community, a black athlete attended fewer than two years of high school, and at the time of what would be his senior year, was allowed to take tests for the classes he missed - put in a room where he used his cell phone to access Cha-Cha (an online answer-providing service), and ultimately the district falsified his transcript by adding classes he never attended - all so this minority kid could graduate and not be a drop-out statistic. (I know this because his parents are some of our closest friends. They completely opposed the school is this action but were ignored.)

Originally, public education in our country existed to teach children to read, and read primarily the Bible. Anyone can look at the contents of a hornbook if they doubt this. Harvard University began as a college to prepare pastors. And why read the Bible? Because it served to provide insight as to the values embraced by the people, thus acting as a common “cement” for our country.

Today? Today we read news stories of a boy in elementary school being suspended and required to get counseling because he told a friend that he would pray for his problems. Today, my children are required to sit in a “health” class wherein all students are expected to be sexually active, and learn the mechanics of homosexuality. Today, learning about the Constitution is ignored or marginalized. Today, most students can tell you about Martin Luther King, Jr, but have never heard of James Madison, and if they know who wrote the Declaration of Independency, it’s probably that white slave owner who raped Sally Hemings. Today, they know nothing of Latin, but are encouraged to take Spanish so they can show sensitivity to illegals. Today, they learn that diversity is good and that there are no real right answers to moral problems; that to express any value as worthy is paramount to intolerance, (and thereby show intolerance for opposing viewpoints other than those espoused by liberalism).

For those of us who truly believe that competition in the marketplace leads to excellence in product, why do we continue to give public education a monopoly? Please point to any historical example of a monopoly that provided the best product at the best price. Granted, parents may choose to homeschool or send their children to existing private schools, but their taxes are monopolistically fed to the public school system.

Opponents of the voucher argue that this would cause a flight of the upper mild class families and leave the “at-risk” children in public schools. Further, private schools are not held to the same standards in terms of testing. As to the first point, giving the opportunity to make money, there would be scores of schools cropping up with the niche in mind to address “at-risk” kids. If parents were neglectful and didn’t capitalize on the opportunity, perhaps it would be time to evaluate the appropriateness of trying to teach a drug baby about metaphor and simile, and hoping that he’ll be able to pass geometry. Maybe bringing in illegal aliens who had a third grade education in Mexico and putting him in an 8th grade English class studying persuasive writing is a disservice to everyone. Perhaps, some of these students need to be given a break from the template of going to college and given a meaningful education on being a valuable citizen with work ethics, personal economics, and societal needed workers among the blue collar ranks. There is no shame in that; society cannot exist without those workers!

Much of the reason our society is in shambles is due to the educational system - the very one we hope will keep our country moving in the right direction. By allowing liberalism to control our public school system, we are guaranteed a society which fosters liberalism, where competition is a bad thing, religion is a bad thing, marriage is a bad thing, the free market is a bad thing, and the Founding Fathers - well they were all bad as well. Brainwash the children, and you can be guaranteed of a future similar to what we see among generations of welfare and entitlement recipients. It becomes self-perpetuating.

In 2012, Conservatives face an opportunity to take the Senate and potentially the Oval Office. If there was any one time in my lifetime I’d say we are ripe for educational overhaul, it is now. Let the NEA dominate the public schools. BUT, Congress (and hopefully the Executive branch) need to push through tax allowances for parents to take their children elsewhere.

When I taught in Central Washington (prior to 2007), I wanted to impress upon the students how much it cost the taxpayers to pay for their education. I spoke with the district financial people to get specifics. By the time all money was factored in and averaged, it ran a little over $7,000 per student - in Central Washington! Why should a family who chooses to have their child educated in other than a public school not be allotted that money, by way of a voucher, or other such mechanism? If taxpayers had access to that money to spend on a school of their choosing, 1) private schools would be springing up right and left, 2) there would be an exodus of previous captive patrons, and 3) public schools would be forced to become competitive or become a holding cell for those who would not be accepted nor tolerated elsewhere.

And that’s the primordial fear among public school teachers. Their argument is that only the at-risk children, who did not have an advocate would remain, and that would be a grave disparity among the haves and have nots. My snide question in response would be, “Why would it? Wouldn’t those children have the BEST teachers and smaller class sizes?” But let’s assume that argument is valid. Wouldn’t that force our society to deal with the root issues of “at-risk.” I mean, is it possible that perhaps a mother and father in a stable home makes for a stable society? Or could it be that values instilled through faith in God make sense for a cohesive and law-abiding civilization? Might it be that fostering homosexuality and promiscuity has no place in the classroom? Maybe a place of learning does not tolerate in-class texting, profanity, and a blatant disregard and disrespect for authority.

It is my belief that focusing on school choice is critical in 2012. The tactic should not be to demonize public schools (even though that is the temptation). In the heart of this Tea Party phenomenon, people know that iron sharpens iron. Competition produces a better product. People who are allowed to take their children to the educational source of their choosing will set the direction of the marketplace, and schools will truly reflect the desires of the American people as opposed to the dictates of the liberal university system.

Consequently, I implore you to rally this cry. The time is ripe, and the opportunity should not be wasted.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Should a Deranged Person Determine Your Rights?

The tragedy in Tucson rocked the nation and, within a day, the talking heads were addressing gun control. I am so sorry that a member of Congress was shot down, as was a 9 year old innocent girl, with 6 dead and 14 wounded. Their only mistake? Participating in being a citizen - actively embracing the opportunity and right to meet with a representative on the streets of Arizona. What a travesty.

During my lifetime, I witnessed (on television) the assassination of John F. Kennedy. I was sorry it happened. I was also sorry for the killings, shootings or attempts on the lives of Robert Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, James Brady, etc.

Each and every time, I was sorry it happened. But each and every time, we recognized, as a country, the acts were carried out by a fringe element.

Now, in the wake of schizophrenic behavior conducted by a deranged individual, the talking heads are sounding the alarm concerning gun control.

On 9/11, Islamic terrorists slammed three airplanes into pre-determined targets, while a fourth catastrophe was avoided thanks to the brave actions of a few on United Flight 93. Since that time, I have not heard anyone suggesting that the public stop being allowed to fly on airlines as the vessel might be used to commit a horrific act. Nor have I heard serious consideration that perhaps Islam not be allowed in the United States, as beliefs might be used to justify acts of terrorism.

Most of the gang activity in the United States is associated with people of African American descent or those of Latino descent. To my knowledge, there is no credible movement advocating that African Americans or Latinos be regulated as a population at large because of their apparent danger to society.

Drunk drivers usually use a car. How many of you are willing to give up your car when an idiot drinks, drives, and kills innocent people. Cars are also used for car bombings. Where is the clamoring for car regulation due to these acts?

Every instance of rape I’ve heard of, involves using a certain male organ. I’m all for rapists being castrated, but I’m not in favor of giving up my own personal organs. (Although, I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the gals on The View would advocate it.)

This is not to minimize the atrocity. People lost their parents, a parent lost their innocent 9 year old daughter, the country lost a Representative to Congress. This is horrific. So now, deal with the criminal involved in a forceful way. Forget rehabilitation. Make an example for the rest of society. Consider giving the schools which observe the developing problem the teeth to actually do something about it. Following these types of acts, everybody is wondering, “How did this guy go undetected?” I’ll bet you serious money there is a long paper trail of distressing observations from those in Jared Loughner’s path.

Crimes and criminals have been, and should be, considered as individual actions. A person, regardless of his race, creed or color, should be help responsible for his or her actions. Didn’t we learn this from our historical blight of Japanese internment?

Why is it that when some idiots in society claim the Holocaust never occurred, we don’t talk about regulating speech? Or when an obviously guilty person like OJ Simpson is acquitted, we don’t insist on eliminating double indemnity? When a crowd of gays marching across the Bay Bridge in California shuts down traffic, we’re not demanding that the right to assemble is removed? How about when it’s determined that we decide as a nation that we can’t stomach waterboarding known terrorists - are people demanding to eliminate the 8th Amendment which forbids cruel and unusual punishments. What’s that? Did you say those are not endangering society? Pretending the holocaust was a hoax, allowing murderers to go free, promoting a lifestyle that propagates AIDS/HIV, and allowing terrorists to protect their networks - well, yes, those things are definitely endangering America.

The Second Amendment was included within the Constitution immediately following the right to enjoy freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, and petition. The right of the public to maintain arms was placed before search and seizure, trial by jury, and even double indemnity. The Framers of our nation realized, from experience, that the people must have the ability to rise up against a corrupt government. If you don’t believe this, simply read the Declaration of Independence. This fact is beyond dispute.

Those who commit crimes with a gun should pay the price - dearly, and perhaps with something that many in this country oppose - the death penalty. Elements of society who take the rights and life of others away through criminal activity need to receive harsh punishment - whether shooting a member of Congress, a private individual, the owner of a business - anyone. Instead, too often, we soften the sentence to the point wherein we feel more sorry for the criminal than the victim, and the public is stuck paying the bill for grossly expensive trials, a mockery of the system, and life in maximum security. In exchange for the criminal’s activity, the millions of law abiding citizens face another onslaught of their Constitutional right to bear arms.

Do guns kill people? Absolutely. What percentage of legal citizens owning a gun have committed a crime with it? What percentage of Latinos or Blacks belong to a gang? What percentage of Muslims have flown an airplane into a building of people, or belong to a terrorist cell? I am truly sorry for the shooting which occurred in Arizona on Saturday, 1/09/2011 - carried out by a crazy man. But I am not guilty. Nor are the millions of Americans who embrace their Constitutional right to bear arms.